Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

undefined 'me'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 06.23 0 komentar

Really Me !


Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

my own way

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.20 0 komentar
Keep in calm,

Stolen 'me-time'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.12 0 komentar

                It is not more than a year going to my National Examination and in only two months later I will be a twelve grader.  There’s thousands bad images painted on my mind about being a twelve graders. Always stated in my mind that the twelve grade is the scariest time. Regarding to what my senior got during their twelve grade, drilled with at least 20 questions for mathematic each day and additional course every weekend. These cut-off their free time and of course it will also happen to me next year. During these two years, maybe there were not more than 20 weekends which I spent in my dormitory, I’ve always do hang out on the rest of them. I can’t imagine how bored will I be? Absolutely I will feel that I am jailed in a stuffy room and accompanied by a lot of papers to do.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.26 0 komentar

my birthday wish

Laziness = Nightmare

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.10 0 komentar

Nightmare will always appear when we continuously thinking about scary stuffs. Not only when I am sleeping but this incubus also disturbs me in my daylight. Every eleventh grade might feel the same ill right now. Yes, we are having the twelve-grade phobia, a disease which becoming the epidemics for the eleventh graders who are almost get the twelve grade badge. The symptoms of this ill are afraid when the teacher say final exam, or even shout hysterically shout remembering that there is a lot of things that they haven't prepared yet.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

someday I'll be there, for sure!

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.06 0 komentar
 Namsan Tower, Seoul :)

Letter to South Korea

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.01 0 komentar
Malang, January 2014
Dear Niken, Seoul-obsessed girl

Happy New Year!

                How is your life sweetie? Still sweet right? Or now, have you change become ‘sweaty'? I hope you are not that sweaty as what I am worrying, hehee, just kidding sweetie. I am sure you always fine on your softest bed in your sweetest room A II 9, at your beloved dormitory of Sampoerna Academy Malang.

                I am happy to see you in a good condition right now, because I know that this time you are on the top of your confusion especially about your college. Is it disturbing? Of course the answer is a ‘BIG YES’. Calm down, Sweetheart, you are not the only one who feel that, the other 147 of the third batch is also having this ill. Heard that a month ago you’ve applied for scholarship at Seoul National University, have the result announced? Which one that you chose, College of Liberal Studies or College of Engineering? None both of them?

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

undefined 'me'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 06.23 0 komentar

Really Me !


Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

my own way

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.20 0 komentar
Keep in calm,

Stolen 'me-time'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.12 0 komentar

                It is not more than a year going to my National Examination and in only two months later I will be a twelve grader.  There’s thousands bad images painted on my mind about being a twelve graders. Always stated in my mind that the twelve grade is the scariest time. Regarding to what my senior got during their twelve grade, drilled with at least 20 questions for mathematic each day and additional course every weekend. These cut-off their free time and of course it will also happen to me next year. During these two years, maybe there were not more than 20 weekends which I spent in my dormitory, I’ve always do hang out on the rest of them. I can’t imagine how bored will I be? Absolutely I will feel that I am jailed in a stuffy room and accompanied by a lot of papers to do.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.26 0 komentar

my birthday wish

Laziness = Nightmare

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.10 0 komentar

Nightmare will always appear when we continuously thinking about scary stuffs. Not only when I am sleeping but this incubus also disturbs me in my daylight. Every eleventh grade might feel the same ill right now. Yes, we are having the twelve-grade phobia, a disease which becoming the epidemics for the eleventh graders who are almost get the twelve grade badge. The symptoms of this ill are afraid when the teacher say final exam, or even shout hysterically shout remembering that there is a lot of things that they haven't prepared yet.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

someday I'll be there, for sure!

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.06 0 komentar
 Namsan Tower, Seoul :)

Letter to South Korea

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.01 0 komentar
Malang, January 2014
Dear Niken, Seoul-obsessed girl

Happy New Year!

                How is your life sweetie? Still sweet right? Or now, have you change become ‘sweaty'? I hope you are not that sweaty as what I am worrying, hehee, just kidding sweetie. I am sure you always fine on your softest bed in your sweetest room A II 9, at your beloved dormitory of Sampoerna Academy Malang.

                I am happy to see you in a good condition right now, because I know that this time you are on the top of your confusion especially about your college. Is it disturbing? Of course the answer is a ‘BIG YES’. Calm down, Sweetheart, you are not the only one who feel that, the other 147 of the third batch is also having this ill. Heard that a month ago you’ve applied for scholarship at Seoul National University, have the result announced? Which one that you chose, College of Liberal Studies or College of Engineering? None both of them?

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