Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

undefined 'me'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 06.23 0 komentar

Really Me !


Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

my own way

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.20 0 komentar
Keep in calm,

Stolen 'me-time'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.12 0 komentar

                It is not more than a year going to my National Examination and in only two months later I will be a twelve grader.  There’s thousands bad images painted on my mind about being a twelve graders. Always stated in my mind that the twelve grade is the scariest time. Regarding to what my senior got during their twelve grade, drilled with at least 20 questions for mathematic each day and additional course every weekend. These cut-off their free time and of course it will also happen to me next year. During these two years, maybe there were not more than 20 weekends which I spent in my dormitory, I’ve always do hang out on the rest of them. I can’t imagine how bored will I be? Absolutely I will feel that I am jailed in a stuffy room and accompanied by a lot of papers to do.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.26 0 komentar

my birthday wish

Laziness = Nightmare

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.10 0 komentar

Nightmare will always appear when we continuously thinking about scary stuffs. Not only when I am sleeping but this incubus also disturbs me in my daylight. Every eleventh grade might feel the same ill right now. Yes, we are having the twelve-grade phobia, a disease which becoming the epidemics for the eleventh graders who are almost get the twelve grade badge. The symptoms of this ill are afraid when the teacher say final exam, or even shout hysterically shout remembering that there is a lot of things that they haven't prepared yet.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

someday I'll be there, for sure!

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.06 0 komentar
 Namsan Tower, Seoul :)

Letter to South Korea

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.01 0 komentar
Malang, January 2014
Dear Niken, Seoul-obsessed girl

Happy New Year!

                How is your life sweetie? Still sweet right? Or now, have you change become ‘sweaty'? I hope you are not that sweaty as what I am worrying, hehee, just kidding sweetie. I am sure you always fine on your softest bed in your sweetest room A II 9, at your beloved dormitory of Sampoerna Academy Malang.

                I am happy to see you in a good condition right now, because I know that this time you are on the top of your confusion especially about your college. Is it disturbing? Of course the answer is a ‘BIG YES’. Calm down, Sweetheart, you are not the only one who feel that, the other 147 of the third batch is also having this ill. Heard that a month ago you’ve applied for scholarship at Seoul National University, have the result announced? Which one that you chose, College of Liberal Studies or College of Engineering? None both of them?

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

And He Won't Come Back

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 19.34 0 komentar

It was all about you

The Beginning of Niken's Pain

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 18.35 0 komentar
December 2011

And It Should Always be Like This

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.51 0 komentar
August 2011

June 2012

At That Time, When We were Still Close

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.40 0 komentar
August 2011
September 2011

December 2011
December 2011

Lovasket in Me

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 16.39 0 komentar

It was Niken who made Vira stayed strongly on basketball after the pathetic experience in her previous school which made her hate that sport. They met when Vira moved to Niken’s school because her father suspected on a corruption case and the bank seized their wealth. At the very beginning, Vira hated Niken. But Niken was curious with her, she felt that actually Vira had something she kept. Someday Niken went to Vira’s house she saw a trophy written ‘Most Valuable Player -Bandung Basketball Tournament’. Since that day, Vira couldn’t hide any longer moreover when Niken introduced her to Rei, the captain of basketball team as well as Niken’s close friend.
Unfortunately, their beautiful friendship was disturbed because Vira was getting closer with Rei. When Niken came to Vira’s house, Vira often not home because she was hanging out with Rei. Niken caught a jealousy, she knew Rei since their childhood and now Vira who just came could be that close with him. Furthermore, actually she was in a very deep envy when Vira told her that Rei shot her and they were in a relationship already. The worst moment was when three of them were studying at Vira’s house then Rei and Vira showed awkwardness as a couple who were filled of love. Until the end of the story Niken never mad at Vira and Rei, because at the end both of them avowed that actually they were not in relationship. It was all Rei’s idea to test whether Niken had the same feeling as him or not.
The same thing happened to me but it was for real. He is a boy whom I relied on him since the beginning of 10th grade. We’ve known each other very well. It doesn’t matter if I must walk with him without a clear status of relationship. But after 7 months, out of the blue he confessed his feeling to my best friend who always sits next to me in the class. I tried hard to always listen when my best friend tell stories about him because I’ve never told her that he was that special for me. Up until now, I still couldn’t accept that, even though my best friend rejected him, but both of them stabbed me. The thing that hurt me the most is when three of us got involved on the same event, they still showed that awkwardness. If the end later will be the same as Vira’s, I will never forgive myself for hating them. Unfortunately that wish is only a dream, because he will not forget her and come back to me.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Princess Protection Program

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.10 0 komentar

Protecting princesses when their kingdom was attacked had been Major Mason’s secret mission for a long time. But this case was really different because Princess Rosalie was relocated in his own house in Louisiana. Mason who worked as a bait seller for usual, had to introduce Rosie into the real new live. There was also Carter Mason, Mr. Mason’s daughter who actually needed to help both of them.
Unfortunately it wasn’t as easy as what Mason thought before. Carter madly refuse Rosie, she couldn’t accept Rosie because at the very first time Rosie couldn’t act normally. Mr. Mason thought harder on how he could collaborate both of that girls. He always asks Carter to help Rosie by lending some of her stuff, teaching how to speak informally and especially how to act as a normal American girl. But instead of being easy to be taught, Rosie often forgot what Carter said. That made Carter often mocked Rosie hatefully. Not because she really hate Rosie, but all royalties actions Rosie have done had very annoyed and disturb her.
The conflict started to be more complicated when there was a homecoming night on their school, involved the voting for the homecoming king and queen. As Rosie had been famous, she was nominated and would compete Carter and Chelsea the previous queen. Chelsea tried to create dome humiliating thing happened to Rosie, but it wasn’t work. At the homecoming night, just a time before the announcement, General Kane who attacked Rosie’s kingdom came to take Rosie back. But several days before, Carter has made a plan by using Rosie’s gown which made by the royal designer, General Kane would thought that Carter was Rosie. It worked well, General Kane took Carter when Rosie was announced as the homecoming queen.
I accustomed with the way how my parent and my elder sisters treat me, also on how people in my village regarded me as their chief village’s youngest daughter. I’ve been treated as a little princess until I came up onto my Junior High School which used a dormitory system. At the beginning it was hard to death for having the adaptation, but I tried very hard to blend in and not to complain. Some of the rules, especially rule for going home burdened me a lot. Even my parents were not sure whether I could survive or not.
Fortunately, I found my best friend who had been helping me a lot. I often cried when I couldn’t hold my anger and when I missed my family. Until the first 6 months I couldn’t blend in, but as I didn’t wanna be in that way anymore, I started to rescue myself. Of course she told me many things, how to interact with the other well, not hurt each other and the most precious lesson is how to be a naughty child. She told me that we may break the rules to feel free, and truly I still keep that principal until now.

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

The Clique Movie on Me

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 20.57 0 komentar

Since the beginning, Messie underestimate Claire Lyons, a girl who was living in her guest house because her parent couldn’t afford anything. The coming of Lyons family caused Messie got in some troubles. First, she couldn’t joint the summer party because she had to stay for the dinner with Lyons family. Second, Messie thought Claire is a rube who will scared with her, but Claire is a brave girl, the first time she went to school with Messie she even called Messie as a bitch, because Claire totally felt envy with Messie who always use branded and up to date stylish clothes for school, followed by her 3 other friends. They were Alicia, Dylan, and Kris who had been accepted and fulfilled the criteria for being Messie’s best friends.
One day, Claire crushed by Chris Abeley, a boy whom Messie admire for a long time. Day by day, the condition was getting worse, Messie was getting more angry because Claire got closer with Chris’s younger sister who was studying on the same school, Layne Abeley. As Messie didn’t want Claire to get Chris she tried to provocate Layne by telling that Claire was not as good as what she saw.
Unfortunately, Claire revenged it diabolically. Every night when Messie brought her dog for a walk, she entered Messie’s room and hacked Messie’s IM account. Claire chatted Dylan saying that Dylan is fat, made mischief between four of that special girl by saying hurt words. That was all because Claire really wanted to be one of them. The way people treated them, the way they could get whatever they want, and all about them. It works well for several days, Dylan, Alicia, and Kris really hate Messie. Unfortunately after Messie and friends realized that they were trapped, Claire just got dumped by four of them.
Lugrubiously, I have to acknowledge that this thing really happened to me. Watching my only bestfriend is a type like Messie who loves to hang out, spend so much money for culinary, and especially for shopping. She often asked me to accompany her, and as a good friend I’ve never refused. But sometimes I felt that I often burdened her, because when I didn’t have enough money she often paid for me. I almost never pay for me myself because she always do that. At the beginning, indeed I tried hard to follow her life style, but it was totally failed. I spend too much money for unimportant stuffs instead. Apart from my obsession, she said that she like me as who I am, not as a rube girl who is trying to imitate townspeople’s life style. It will be fine if she have to pay for me, as long as she can hang out with me.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

try hard

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.50 0 komentar

sharing session (about shopping)

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.49 0 komentar

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

a 'NO'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.17 0 komentar

December 31th 2012 11:00 p.m

A lonely girl sat with the flat expression as the same as flat screen which she was facing on. Her mind was not there, she was thinking about her journey along this year. Remembering all the things she did, everything she got, and everything she just dreamed.

She saw herself clearly as a spoiled girl who almost every week hang out with her friends. A girl who is actually a rube girl, but affected by her best friend who is a townsfolk and addicted by freedom.

She saw those two girls got back to their dorm bringing some bag full of new things which is usually doesn’t need. That rube girl had became a townfolk-ish now, and used to spent money for the unnecessary stuffs.
She thought harder about the thing that caused her became that ‘wild’. But then she remembered that she just felt disappointed by her report result this semester. She just arrived on the third rank in her class which is not the superior class. It showed how small her effort she put on her future was.

Then she just realized that she couldn’t blame her best friend who always invites her on that hang out time. It was actually her fault, couldn’t ever reject it. She was wondering why it was really hard to say ‘NO’. May be she was too afraid that she would left behind if she didn’t join.

But now she is going to 16th means that she have to care about her score, because it will affecting her future. The only thing she can do is repair her own principle. She doesn’t need to always hang out every weekend, or even buy some unnecessary stuffs to avoid that ‘rube girl’ nickname stamped on her front head.

Saved her weekend to stay at dorm, read some materials for the next meeting, and complete her tasks might be the best way to fly onto the 1st rank. The thing she want the most is, be brave to say ‘NO’ softly when she really unable to accompany her friend. Perhaps it will be harder than she thought, but it will be more beautiful if she doesn’t have any uncompleted tasks on Sunday night. Truly, sometimes say a ‘NO’ is not always hurt, as long as we can use it correctly, there will be no law that prohibit us to do.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Errors Identification for 2013

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.19 0 komentar

A month ago, exactly on 21st December, at the early morning a beautiful girl called Niken awaken by the sound of water tap near her room. It was 5 a.m when she took a shower and prepared for going to school. As she is a dormitory student, she has to complete her duty first before go. After she did the duty, tidy up her bed, and had a breakfast she leaved her room at 06.30 a.m with a happily and cheerful face. She really loves that day because it was the last day on her 3rd semester and of course will be the beginning of her holiday.
Along the way to her campus, as usual she said ‘hello’ to her friends with her cutest smile. When she arrived at her school yard, she directly go to her class where her other friend were waiting for their advisor. Took a seat on the front line, full of enthusiasm she was listening to her advisor advice to always be a humble hearten person. Sometimes later the advisor distributed the report to each student, Niken either. She immediately opened it, and then read her score, but her sight was stopped at the English score which is written 80 for the theory and 78 for the practice. She couldn’t hide her disappointment seeing her score that was not passed the standard. Meanwhile sometimes ago her English teacher announced that she got the highest score on role play which taken as speaking score. She didn’t care with her theory score because she is not really good in reading. She used to be humble towards her score but not for English moreover if it is speaking and practical score. As she good enough in English especially speaking, she will very disappointed when her score is not as good as what she have expected. Niken was too shy to talk about her score with her friends. When some of them ask her, she just stayed in silence and gave her sweet smile so that their friends noticed something wrong with her score.
Still mourning her score, out of the blue the bell rang means it was time to go home. Niken got back to her room immediately, ignored people who asked about her report. As her parents were going to pick her up one hour later, she started the packing. Even, when her parents arrived and ask how her report was, she just mentioned the 5 highest score, rejected to show the report to them, and fortunately her parents didn’t suspicious with it. As usual, at home she kept her report in her cupboard so that nobody will open it. But trouble came when her mom put the ironed clothes, she was curious with her daughter’s report. She opened it page by page, then caught by written score ‘78’ and when she looked onto the lesson it was English practice. Of course it was unbelievable for her, as her daughter often joint speech and storytelling competition at the Junior High School. When her mom approached and ask about that score, Niken tried to explain it well. She told her mom that there’s not only speaking for the practical, blog project and her activeness in the class. But her mom argued it, Niken may not hang out along the holiday as the punishment. Niken couldn’t refuse that because it was absolutely her fault.
  She tried hard to enjoy that boring holiday. Opened her blog, did browsing, etc. Out of the blue she realized something when she opened her friend’s blog, it was quiet better than hers, the simple but clear articles, and also the background. ‘May be this is why my practical score was bad’ she said. Then she started to modify her blog, changed the background, put some pictures, and another widgets.
On the first day of 4th semester, as usual the one who need the report revision submit their report onto the advisor’s room. At the first break time, Niken walk to her advisor’s room cheerfully, and then put her report calmly, wishing her English teacher will kindly open her blog then increase her score, as she had repair and modify it. Work harder, do everythings seriously and always holding on her passion.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

undefined 'me'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 06.23 0 komentar

Really Me !


Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

my own way

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.20 0 komentar
Keep in calm,

Stolen 'me-time'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 23.12 0 komentar

                It is not more than a year going to my National Examination and in only two months later I will be a twelve grader.  There’s thousands bad images painted on my mind about being a twelve graders. Always stated in my mind that the twelve grade is the scariest time. Regarding to what my senior got during their twelve grade, drilled with at least 20 questions for mathematic each day and additional course every weekend. These cut-off their free time and of course it will also happen to me next year. During these two years, maybe there were not more than 20 weekends which I spent in my dormitory, I’ve always do hang out on the rest of them. I can’t imagine how bored will I be? Absolutely I will feel that I am jailed in a stuffy room and accompanied by a lot of papers to do.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.26 0 komentar

my birthday wish

Laziness = Nightmare

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.10 0 komentar

Nightmare will always appear when we continuously thinking about scary stuffs. Not only when I am sleeping but this incubus also disturbs me in my daylight. Every eleventh grade might feel the same ill right now. Yes, we are having the twelve-grade phobia, a disease which becoming the epidemics for the eleventh graders who are almost get the twelve grade badge. The symptoms of this ill are afraid when the teacher say final exam, or even shout hysterically shout remembering that there is a lot of things that they haven't prepared yet.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

someday I'll be there, for sure!

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.06 0 komentar
 Namsan Tower, Seoul :)

Letter to South Korea

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 22.01 0 komentar
Malang, January 2014
Dear Niken, Seoul-obsessed girl

Happy New Year!

                How is your life sweetie? Still sweet right? Or now, have you change become ‘sweaty'? I hope you are not that sweaty as what I am worrying, hehee, just kidding sweetie. I am sure you always fine on your softest bed in your sweetest room A II 9, at your beloved dormitory of Sampoerna Academy Malang.

                I am happy to see you in a good condition right now, because I know that this time you are on the top of your confusion especially about your college. Is it disturbing? Of course the answer is a ‘BIG YES’. Calm down, Sweetheart, you are not the only one who feel that, the other 147 of the third batch is also having this ill. Heard that a month ago you’ve applied for scholarship at Seoul National University, have the result announced? Which one that you chose, College of Liberal Studies or College of Engineering? None both of them?

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

And He Won't Come Back

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 19.34 0 komentar

It was all about you

The Beginning of Niken's Pain

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 18.35 0 komentar
December 2011

And It Should Always be Like This

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.51 0 komentar
August 2011

June 2012

At That Time, When We were Still Close

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.40 0 komentar
August 2011
September 2011

December 2011
December 2011

Lovasket in Me

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 16.39 0 komentar

It was Niken who made Vira stayed strongly on basketball after the pathetic experience in her previous school which made her hate that sport. They met when Vira moved to Niken’s school because her father suspected on a corruption case and the bank seized their wealth. At the very beginning, Vira hated Niken. But Niken was curious with her, she felt that actually Vira had something she kept. Someday Niken went to Vira’s house she saw a trophy written ‘Most Valuable Player -Bandung Basketball Tournament’. Since that day, Vira couldn’t hide any longer moreover when Niken introduced her to Rei, the captain of basketball team as well as Niken’s close friend.
Unfortunately, their beautiful friendship was disturbed because Vira was getting closer with Rei. When Niken came to Vira’s house, Vira often not home because she was hanging out with Rei. Niken caught a jealousy, she knew Rei since their childhood and now Vira who just came could be that close with him. Furthermore, actually she was in a very deep envy when Vira told her that Rei shot her and they were in a relationship already. The worst moment was when three of them were studying at Vira’s house then Rei and Vira showed awkwardness as a couple who were filled of love. Until the end of the story Niken never mad at Vira and Rei, because at the end both of them avowed that actually they were not in relationship. It was all Rei’s idea to test whether Niken had the same feeling as him or not.
The same thing happened to me but it was for real. He is a boy whom I relied on him since the beginning of 10th grade. We’ve known each other very well. It doesn’t matter if I must walk with him without a clear status of relationship. But after 7 months, out of the blue he confessed his feeling to my best friend who always sits next to me in the class. I tried hard to always listen when my best friend tell stories about him because I’ve never told her that he was that special for me. Up until now, I still couldn’t accept that, even though my best friend rejected him, but both of them stabbed me. The thing that hurt me the most is when three of us got involved on the same event, they still showed that awkwardness. If the end later will be the same as Vira’s, I will never forgive myself for hating them. Unfortunately that wish is only a dream, because he will not forget her and come back to me.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Princess Protection Program

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 17.10 0 komentar

Protecting princesses when their kingdom was attacked had been Major Mason’s secret mission for a long time. But this case was really different because Princess Rosalie was relocated in his own house in Louisiana. Mason who worked as a bait seller for usual, had to introduce Rosie into the real new live. There was also Carter Mason, Mr. Mason’s daughter who actually needed to help both of them.
Unfortunately it wasn’t as easy as what Mason thought before. Carter madly refuse Rosie, she couldn’t accept Rosie because at the very first time Rosie couldn’t act normally. Mr. Mason thought harder on how he could collaborate both of that girls. He always asks Carter to help Rosie by lending some of her stuff, teaching how to speak informally and especially how to act as a normal American girl. But instead of being easy to be taught, Rosie often forgot what Carter said. That made Carter often mocked Rosie hatefully. Not because she really hate Rosie, but all royalties actions Rosie have done had very annoyed and disturb her.
The conflict started to be more complicated when there was a homecoming night on their school, involved the voting for the homecoming king and queen. As Rosie had been famous, she was nominated and would compete Carter and Chelsea the previous queen. Chelsea tried to create dome humiliating thing happened to Rosie, but it wasn’t work. At the homecoming night, just a time before the announcement, General Kane who attacked Rosie’s kingdom came to take Rosie back. But several days before, Carter has made a plan by using Rosie’s gown which made by the royal designer, General Kane would thought that Carter was Rosie. It worked well, General Kane took Carter when Rosie was announced as the homecoming queen.
I accustomed with the way how my parent and my elder sisters treat me, also on how people in my village regarded me as their chief village’s youngest daughter. I’ve been treated as a little princess until I came up onto my Junior High School which used a dormitory system. At the beginning it was hard to death for having the adaptation, but I tried very hard to blend in and not to complain. Some of the rules, especially rule for going home burdened me a lot. Even my parents were not sure whether I could survive or not.
Fortunately, I found my best friend who had been helping me a lot. I often cried when I couldn’t hold my anger and when I missed my family. Until the first 6 months I couldn’t blend in, but as I didn’t wanna be in that way anymore, I started to rescue myself. Of course she told me many things, how to interact with the other well, not hurt each other and the most precious lesson is how to be a naughty child. She told me that we may break the rules to feel free, and truly I still keep that principal until now.

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

The Clique Movie on Me

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 20.57 0 komentar

Since the beginning, Messie underestimate Claire Lyons, a girl who was living in her guest house because her parent couldn’t afford anything. The coming of Lyons family caused Messie got in some troubles. First, she couldn’t joint the summer party because she had to stay for the dinner with Lyons family. Second, Messie thought Claire is a rube who will scared with her, but Claire is a brave girl, the first time she went to school with Messie she even called Messie as a bitch, because Claire totally felt envy with Messie who always use branded and up to date stylish clothes for school, followed by her 3 other friends. They were Alicia, Dylan, and Kris who had been accepted and fulfilled the criteria for being Messie’s best friends.
One day, Claire crushed by Chris Abeley, a boy whom Messie admire for a long time. Day by day, the condition was getting worse, Messie was getting more angry because Claire got closer with Chris’s younger sister who was studying on the same school, Layne Abeley. As Messie didn’t want Claire to get Chris she tried to provocate Layne by telling that Claire was not as good as what she saw.
Unfortunately, Claire revenged it diabolically. Every night when Messie brought her dog for a walk, she entered Messie’s room and hacked Messie’s IM account. Claire chatted Dylan saying that Dylan is fat, made mischief between four of that special girl by saying hurt words. That was all because Claire really wanted to be one of them. The way people treated them, the way they could get whatever they want, and all about them. It works well for several days, Dylan, Alicia, and Kris really hate Messie. Unfortunately after Messie and friends realized that they were trapped, Claire just got dumped by four of them.
Lugrubiously, I have to acknowledge that this thing really happened to me. Watching my only bestfriend is a type like Messie who loves to hang out, spend so much money for culinary, and especially for shopping. She often asked me to accompany her, and as a good friend I’ve never refused. But sometimes I felt that I often burdened her, because when I didn’t have enough money she often paid for me. I almost never pay for me myself because she always do that. At the beginning, indeed I tried hard to follow her life style, but it was totally failed. I spend too much money for unimportant stuffs instead. Apart from my obsession, she said that she like me as who I am, not as a rube girl who is trying to imitate townspeople’s life style. It will be fine if she have to pay for me, as long as she can hang out with me.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

try hard

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.50 0 komentar

sharing session (about shopping)

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.49 0 komentar

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

a 'NO'

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 04.17 0 komentar

December 31th 2012 11:00 p.m

A lonely girl sat with the flat expression as the same as flat screen which she was facing on. Her mind was not there, she was thinking about her journey along this year. Remembering all the things she did, everything she got, and everything she just dreamed.

She saw herself clearly as a spoiled girl who almost every week hang out with her friends. A girl who is actually a rube girl, but affected by her best friend who is a townsfolk and addicted by freedom.

She saw those two girls got back to their dorm bringing some bag full of new things which is usually doesn’t need. That rube girl had became a townfolk-ish now, and used to spent money for the unnecessary stuffs.
She thought harder about the thing that caused her became that ‘wild’. But then she remembered that she just felt disappointed by her report result this semester. She just arrived on the third rank in her class which is not the superior class. It showed how small her effort she put on her future was.

Then she just realized that she couldn’t blame her best friend who always invites her on that hang out time. It was actually her fault, couldn’t ever reject it. She was wondering why it was really hard to say ‘NO’. May be she was too afraid that she would left behind if she didn’t join.

But now she is going to 16th means that she have to care about her score, because it will affecting her future. The only thing she can do is repair her own principle. She doesn’t need to always hang out every weekend, or even buy some unnecessary stuffs to avoid that ‘rube girl’ nickname stamped on her front head.

Saved her weekend to stay at dorm, read some materials for the next meeting, and complete her tasks might be the best way to fly onto the 1st rank. The thing she want the most is, be brave to say ‘NO’ softly when she really unable to accompany her friend. Perhaps it will be harder than she thought, but it will be more beautiful if she doesn’t have any uncompleted tasks on Sunday night. Truly, sometimes say a ‘NO’ is not always hurt, as long as we can use it correctly, there will be no law that prohibit us to do.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Errors Identification for 2013

Diposting oleh Niken Tawang Sasi di 05.19 0 komentar

A month ago, exactly on 21st December, at the early morning a beautiful girl called Niken awaken by the sound of water tap near her room. It was 5 a.m when she took a shower and prepared for going to school. As she is a dormitory student, she has to complete her duty first before go. After she did the duty, tidy up her bed, and had a breakfast she leaved her room at 06.30 a.m with a happily and cheerful face. She really loves that day because it was the last day on her 3rd semester and of course will be the beginning of her holiday.
Along the way to her campus, as usual she said ‘hello’ to her friends with her cutest smile. When she arrived at her school yard, she directly go to her class where her other friend were waiting for their advisor. Took a seat on the front line, full of enthusiasm she was listening to her advisor advice to always be a humble hearten person. Sometimes later the advisor distributed the report to each student, Niken either. She immediately opened it, and then read her score, but her sight was stopped at the English score which is written 80 for the theory and 78 for the practice. She couldn’t hide her disappointment seeing her score that was not passed the standard. Meanwhile sometimes ago her English teacher announced that she got the highest score on role play which taken as speaking score. She didn’t care with her theory score because she is not really good in reading. She used to be humble towards her score but not for English moreover if it is speaking and practical score. As she good enough in English especially speaking, she will very disappointed when her score is not as good as what she have expected. Niken was too shy to talk about her score with her friends. When some of them ask her, she just stayed in silence and gave her sweet smile so that their friends noticed something wrong with her score.
Still mourning her score, out of the blue the bell rang means it was time to go home. Niken got back to her room immediately, ignored people who asked about her report. As her parents were going to pick her up one hour later, she started the packing. Even, when her parents arrived and ask how her report was, she just mentioned the 5 highest score, rejected to show the report to them, and fortunately her parents didn’t suspicious with it. As usual, at home she kept her report in her cupboard so that nobody will open it. But trouble came when her mom put the ironed clothes, she was curious with her daughter’s report. She opened it page by page, then caught by written score ‘78’ and when she looked onto the lesson it was English practice. Of course it was unbelievable for her, as her daughter often joint speech and storytelling competition at the Junior High School. When her mom approached and ask about that score, Niken tried to explain it well. She told her mom that there’s not only speaking for the practical, blog project and her activeness in the class. But her mom argued it, Niken may not hang out along the holiday as the punishment. Niken couldn’t refuse that because it was absolutely her fault.
  She tried hard to enjoy that boring holiday. Opened her blog, did browsing, etc. Out of the blue she realized something when she opened her friend’s blog, it was quiet better than hers, the simple but clear articles, and also the background. ‘May be this is why my practical score was bad’ she said. Then she started to modify her blog, changed the background, put some pictures, and another widgets.
On the first day of 4th semester, as usual the one who need the report revision submit their report onto the advisor’s room. At the first break time, Niken walk to her advisor’s room cheerfully, and then put her report calmly, wishing her English teacher will kindly open her blog then increase her score, as she had repair and modify it. Work harder, do everythings seriously and always holding on her passion.


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